Intro To Database Management System

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Intro To Database Management System

Introduction To DBMS

This is essentially a blog that came out as a result of an NPTEL course I took during my college days.

Schema & Instance

  • Schema - A schema is a physical or logical structure of the data-base. The basically comprise the columns along with the table.
  • Instance - This is the actual data, when the schema is populated by real values and data entries in the form of rows.

Data Model

  • It is the collection of tools that describe the data.
  • Data : The data itself is an integral part of the data-base.
  • Data Relationships : Relationship between various data and fields.
  • Data Semantics : Refers to the meaning of the data.
  • Data Constraints : Limitations and conditions on certain data values and their modifications.

Data Model - Types

  • ER Model : It does not contain any data. It is only used for designing the data-base.
  • Relational Model : Most widely used model for data-base, will be covered in further lessons.
  • Object Based Data Models : Object oriented approach of representing data.
  • Semi Structured Data Model : Used during data-base transfer, usually in XML format. For example: while transferring from Oracle DB to MySQL DB, etc.
  • Network Model
  • Hierarchical Model


  • DDL : Data Definition Language : It is the part of the language which is used to define and manipulate the schema of the data-base.
  • DML : Data Manipulation Language : It is the part of the language which is used to query and manipulate the instance of the data-base, in other word the data itself. We use SQL for this.


  • Structured Query Language
  • The most widely used commercial language -It is not a Turing machine equivalent language. -Usually embedded in some other higher-level language. -Application programs generally access database through either language extension to allow embedded SQL or APIs like ODBC/JDBC which allow SQL queries to be sent to the databases.

Database Design

  • Logical design is the first step by business mindset.
  • Logical design from computer science mindset.
  • Physical design of the schema/layout, the database files, their index, etc.

Design Approaches

  • To minimize redundancies
  • Reducing potential anomalies
  • We use ER Model and/or Normalization Theory.

Object Relational Data Model

  • We extend the relational model by using object orientation, constructs and added data types.
  • Attributes allowed to have complex types, nested relations, etc.
  • Provide upward compatibility with existing relational languages.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

  • Originally designed as document markup, by W3C.
  • Regularly used as the data interchange format, export, import.
  • Lot of available tools for XML.

Database Engine

  • Storage manager
  • Query processing
  • Transaction manager

Storage Manager

  • Storage manager is the bridge between low level data stored in the database and the application programs and queries submitted to the system.
  • Responsible for interaction with OS file manager
  • Responsible for storing, retrieving and updating data
  • Deals with issues like indexing, hashing, file organization, storage access

Query Processing

  • Deals with parsing and translation to relational algebra expressions
  • Then it optimizes the queries and expressions
  • The evaluation is then done

Transaction Manager

  • Deals issue 1: What if the database/system fails?
  • How to recover in case of failure?
  • Deals issue 2: What if multiple users are concurrently updating the same data?
  • Performs a single logical function in the database application
  • Ensures data consistency with the help of concurrency control manager

Users & Admin

  • Naive users - end users
  • Application Programmers - writes codes and queries
  • Sophisticated users/analysts - designs query tools, migrates data, analyse data
  • DB Administrators - priviledged access to database, special permissions apart from other permissions

DB System Internals

  • Refer Diagram 1.26

DB Architectures

  • Centralized
  • Client Server
  • Parallel (Multi Processor)
  • Distributed

History & Resources

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